

Morbi pulvinar neque non dolor vestibulum tincidunt. Donec eget commodo lorem. Nam metus nisi, pulvinar at semper a, consequat rhoncus sapien. Ut vitae venenatis.

Proin non magna at felis tincidunt cursus at sed eros. Donec dapibus elit a neque vestibulum aliquam. In scelerisque efficitur nisi, vel dictum nulla tempor sed. Nunc hendrerit at ligula ut efficitur. Vestibulum ante ipsum primis in faucibus orci luctus et ultrices posuere cubilia Curae; Cras justo augue, fermentum sit amet vulputate nec, bibendum id velit. Fusce eu egestas dolor.

Aenean mattis ipsum vitae urna hendrerit, ut rhoncus nisi volutpat. Vivamus vitae dictum arcu. Etiam libero dolor, sodales ac tempor eu, semper ut tortor.

Heading two

Proin non magna at felis tincidunt cursus at sed eros. Donec dapibus elit a neque vestibulum aliquam. In scelerisque efficitur nisi, vel dictum nulla tempor sed. Nunc hendrerit at ligula ut efficitur. Vestibulum ante ipsum primis in faucibus orci luctus et ultrices posuere cubilia Curae; Cras justo augue, fermentum sit amet vulputate nec, bibendum id velit. Fusce eu egestas dolor.

Heading three

Proin non magna at felis tincidunt cursus at sed eros. Donec dapibus elit a neque vestibulum. In scelerisque efficitur nisi, vel dictum nulla tempor sed. Nunc hendrerit at ligula ut efficitur. Vestibulum ante ipsum primis in faucibus orci luctus et ultrices posuere cubilia Curae; Cras justo augue, fermentum sit amet vulputate nec, bibendum id velit. Fusce eu egestas dolor.

Heading four

Proin non magna at felis tincidunt cursus at sed eros. Donec dapibus elit a neque vestibulum aliquam. In scelerisque efficitur nisi, vel dictum nulla tempor sed. Nunc hendrerit at ligula ut efficitur. Vestibulum ante ipsum primis in faucibus orci luctus et ultrices posuere cubilia Curae; Cras justo augue, fermentum sit amet vulputate nec, bibendum id velit. Fusce eu egestas dolor.

Heading five

Proin non magna at felis tincidunt cursus at sed eros. Donec dapibus elit a neque vestibulum aliquam. In scelerisque efficitur nisi, vel dictum nulla tempor sed. Nunc hendrerit at ligula ut efficitur. Vestibulum ante ipsum primis in faucibus orci luctus et ultrices posuere cubilia Curae; Cras justo augue, fermentum sit amet vulputate nec, bibendum id velit. Fusce eu egestas dolor.

Heading six

Proin non magna at felis tincidunt cursus at sed eros. Donec dapibus elit a neque vestibulum aliquam. In scelerisque efficitur nisi, vel dictum nulla tempor sed. Nunc hendrerit at ligula ut efficitur. Vestibulum ante ipsum primis in faucibus orci luctus et ultrices posuere cubilia Curae; Cras justo augue, fermentum sit amet vulputate nec, bibendum id velit. Fusce eu egestas dolor.

  • Proin non magna at felis tincidunt cursus at sed eros.
  • Donec dapibus elit a neque vestibulum aliquam.
  • In scelerisque efficitur nisi vel dictum nulla tempor sed.
  • Nunc hendrerit at ligula ut efficitur.
  • Vestibulum ante ipsum primis in faucibus orci.
  1. Proin non magna at felis tincidunt cursus at sed eros.
  2. Donec dapibus elit a neque vestibulum aliquam.
  3. In scelerisque efficitur nisi vel dictum nulla tempor sed.
  4. Nunc hendrerit at ligula ut efficitur.
  5. Vestibulum ante ipsum primis in faucibus orci.

Proin non magna at felis tincidunt cursus at sed eros. Donec dapibus elit a neque vestibulum aliquam. In scelerisque efficitur nisi, vel dictum nulla tempor sed. Nunc hendrerit at ligula ut efficitur. Vestibulum ante ipsum primis in faucibus orci luctus et ultrices posuere cubilia Curae; Cras justo augue, fermentum sit amet vulputate nec, bibendum id velit. Fusce eu egestas dolor.

Right aligned image with a caption

Proin non magna at felis tincidunt cursus at sed eros. Donec dapibus elit a neque vestibulum aliquam. In scelerisque efficitur nisi, vel dictum nulla tempor sed. Nunc hendrerit at ligula ut efficitur. Vestibulum ante ipsum primis in faucibus orci luctus et ultrices posuere cubilia Curae; Cras justo augue, fermentum sit amet vulputate nec, bibendum id velit. Fusce eu egestas dolor.

Aenean mattis ipsum vitae urna hendrerit, ut rhoncus nisi volutpat. Vivamus vitae dictum arcu. Etiam libero dolor, sodales ac

Proin non magna at felis tincidunt cursus at sed eros. Donec dapibus elit a neque vestibulum aliquam. In scelerisque efficitur nisi, vel dictum nulla tempor sed. Nunc hendrerit at ligula ut efficitur. Vestibulum ante ipsum primis in faucibus orci luctus et ultrices posuere cubilia Curae; Cras justo augue, fermentum sit amet vulputate nec, bibendum id velit. Fusce eu egestas dolor.

Aenean mattis ipsum vitae urna hendrerit, ut rhoncus nisi volutpat. Vivamus vitae dictum arcu. Etiam libero dolor, sodales ac tempor eu, semper ut tortor.

Proin non magna at felis tincidunt cursus at sed eros. Donec dapibus elit a neque vestibulum aliquam. In scelerisque efficitur nisi, vel dictum nulla tempor sed. Nunc hendrerit at ligula ut efficitur. Vestibulum ante ipsum primis in faucibus orci luctus et ultrices posuere cubilia Curae; Cras justo augue, fermentum sit amet vulputate nec, bibendum id velit. Fusce eu egestas dolor.

Aenean mattis ipsum vitae urna hendrerit, ut rhoncus nisi volutpat. Vivamus vitae dictum arcu. Etiam libero dolor, sodales ac

Proin non magna at felis tincidunt cursus at sed eros. Donec dapibus elit a neque vestibulum aliquam. In scelerisque efficitur nisi, vel dictum nulla tempor sed. Nunc hendrerit at ligula ut efficitur. Vestibulum ante ipsum primis in faucibus orci luctus et ultrices posuere cubilia Curae; Cras justo augue, fermentum sit amet vulputate nec, bibendum id velit. Fusce eu egestas dolor.

Aenean mattis ipsum vitae urna hendrerit, ut rhoncus nisi volutpat. Vivamus vitae dictum arcu. Etiam libero dolor, sodales ac tempor eu, semper ut tortor.

Full width aligned image with a caption

Proin non magna at felis tincidunt cursus at sed eros. Donec dapibus elit a neque vestibulum aliquam. In scelerisque efficitur nisi, vel dictum nulla tempor sed. Nunc hendrerit at ligula ut efficitur. Vestibulum ante ipsum primis in faucibus orci luctus et ultrices posuere cubilia Curae; Cras justo augue, fermentum sit amet vulputate nec, bibendum id velit. Fusce eu egestas dolor.

Put your phone down and what are you left with? Just teamwork, courage and the skills to succeed.

Bear Grylls

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Rerum hic dolorem dolores omnis dolore

Rerum hic dolorem dolores omnis dolore

Name Title Lorem Ipsum Task
John Doe Front-end Developer Lorem ipsum Lorem ipsum Lorem ipsum dolor sit ame
Henry Ford Back-end Developer Dolor sit amet Dolor sit amet Lorem ipsum dolor sit ame
Henley Brown UX Designer Lorem ipsum Lorem ipsum Lorem ipsum dolor sit ame
Elisha Dickerson Marketeer Lorem ipsum Consectetur Lorem ipsum dolor sit ame
Matt Ainsworth Marketeer Lorem ipsum Consectetur Lorem ipsum dolor sit ame

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Accordion One

Proin non magna at felis tincidunt cursus at sed eros. Donec dapibus elit a neque vestibulum aliquam. In scelerisque efficitur nisi, vel dictum nulla tempor sed. Nunc hendrerit at ligula ut efficitur. Vestibulum ante ipsum primis in faucibus orci luctus et ultrices posuere cubilia Curae; Cras justo augue, fermentum sit amet vulputate nec, bibendum id velit. Fusce eu egestas dolor.

Accordion Two

Proin non magna at felis tincidunt cursus at sed eros. Donec dapibus elit a neque vestibulum aliquam. In scelerisque efficitur nisi, vel dictum nulla tempor sed. Nunc hendrerit at ligula ut efficitur. Vestibulum ante ipsum primis in faucibus orci luctus et ultrices posuere cubilia Curae; Cras justo augue, fermentum sit amet vulputate nec, bibendum id velit. Fusce eu egestas dolor.

Accordion Three

Proin non magna at felis tincidunt cursus at sed eros. Donec dapibus elit a neque vestibulum aliquam. In scelerisque efficitur nisi, vel dictum nulla tempor sed. Nunc hendrerit at ligula ut efficitur. Vestibulum ante ipsum primis in faucibus orci luctus et ultrices posuere cubilia Curae; Cras justo augue, fermentum sit amet vulputate nec, bibendum id velit. Fusce eu egestas dolor.

Maynard Porter
Chair of Executive

Nominated by the District Commissioner and approved at the Annual General Meeting, Maynard leads the Executive Committee, ensuring that it fulfils its responsibilities within the District.

John O'Rourke
District Treasurer

Elected at the Annual General Meeting, John works alongside the Ardnavally Treasurer (Simon Hall) to provide provide sound financial administration, support and information to the Executive Committee.

Caroline Hamilton-McMullan
District Secretary

Co-Opted to the Executive to fulfil the position of Secretary in November 2021, Caroline supports the Chair of the Executive Committee & District Commissioner to ensure the smooth functioning and sound administration of the Scout District.

Norman McKee
District Commissioner

Appointed by the County Commissioner, to oversee the management and work of the District to ensure it runs effectively and that Scouting within the District develops. Norman has volunteered within Scouts for over 20 years, and started his term as District Commissioner in 2016 within South-East Belfast District; which resulted in managing the District merger in 2017 of South and South East to become Lagan District. Norman is a keen advocator for people to get feel the benefits of volunteering within Scouts at every level. For all general enquiries please contact Norman directly via email.

Darren McMullan
District Executive Member

Elected at the Annual General Meeting, Darren currently holds the positions of Assistant District Commissioner for Scouts and Appointments Secretary, and holds close links to his home Scout Group at 37th as the Scout and Explorer Leader.

David Scott
District Executive Member

Elected at the Annual General Meeting, David currently holds the positions of Group Scout Leader at 74th Belfast, and supports his passion of the Network provision across Northern Ireland.

Ian Stewart
District Executive Member

Elected at the Annual General Meeting, Ian currently holds the positions of Acting Group Scout Leader at the 40th Belfast Scout Group.

Jack Moore
District Executive Member

Elected at the Annual General Meeting, Jack currently holds the position of Group Scout Leader at 26th Belfast Scout Group.

Jacqui Berryman
District Executive Member

Elected at the Annual General Meeting, Jacqui currently holds the positions of Squirrel Leader at 81st Belfast & 40th Belfast, and in addition to this is the Beaver Section Leader of 81st Belfast.

Jonathan Dudgeon
District Executive Member

Elected at the Annual General Meeting, Jonathan currently holds the position of Scout Leader at 62nd Belfast & 115th Belfast, and Assistant Cub Leader within 4th Belfast (East Belfast).

Marjorie Guiler
District Executive Member

Elected at the Annual General Meeting, Marjorie currently holds the positions of Assistant District Commissioner for Squirrels, and holds close links to her home Scout Group at 62nd Belfast as the Squirrel Leader.

Maureen Campbell
District Executive Member

Elected at the Annual General Meeting, Maureen currently holds the positions of Assistant District Commissioner for Support, District Appointments Chair, and closer to home is the Group Scout Leader at 109th Belfast Scout Group.

Philip Patterson
District Executive Member

Elected at the Annual General Meeting, Phil currently holds the positions of Assistant District Commissioner for Cubs, and holds close links to his home Scout Group at 110th as the Cub Leader.

Scott Robinson
District Executive Member

Elected at the Annual General Meeting, Scott currently holds the positions of Deputy County Commissioner for People and Perception for Belfast County, and holds close links to his home Scout Group at 62nd.

Janine Bowen
District Executive Member

Elected at the Annual General Meeting, Janine currently holds the positions of Beaver Section Leader at 115th Belfast and is also involved with Beavers at 109th Belfast (Lowe Memorial).

HM King Charles III has been confirmed as our new Patron, a great honour for UK Scouts.

The King continues a long tradition of the monarch giving their Patronage, dating back to 1912. This was when Scouts was granted its Royal Charter and HM George V became our first Patron.

Find out more
King Charles III

Our Patron, HM King Charles III